ME whitening cream®


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Key Ingredients

Antioxidant:  Vitamin E,  Vitamin C,

Skin brightening : Vitamin C, Licorice Extract, Titanium Dioxide

Soothing:  Licorice Extract,  Cucumber Extract, Panthenol

  • Almond Oil 

The emollient plant oil that comes from almonds.

Similar to other plant oils, it is loaded with skin-nourishing fatty acids (oleic acid – 55-86% and linoleic acid 7-35%) and contains several other skin goodies such as antioxidant vitamin E and vitamin B .

It’s often used due to its great smoothing, softening and moisturizing properties. It’s also particularly good at treating dry brittle nails.

  • Licorice extract

No.1 magic active ingredient  that it has skin-lightening or to say it another way depigmenting properties.

The most active part is called glabridin.

The topical application (meaning when you put it on your face) of 0.5% glabridin was shown to inhibit UVB caused pigmentation .

Another study even suggested that licorice is more effective than the gold standard skin-lightening agent hydroquinone.

All in all, licorice is considered to be one of the safest skin lightening agents with the fewest side effects.

  • Cucumber extract

Cucumber is non-irritating plant extract that’s known for it’s soothing and emollient properties.

It’s not something new to put it on our face: even Cleopatra used it to “preserve her skin”.

Contains  an enzyme (called shikimate dehydrigenase) in the pulp that’s shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Vitamin E

Primary fat-soluble antioxidant in our skin

Significant photoprotection against UVB rays.

Vit C + Vit E work in synergy and provide great photoprotection Has emollient properties.

  • Vitamin C

sts the skin’s own collagen production

Fades pigmentation and brown spots

If used under sunscreen it boosts its UV protection.

  • Panthenol

Its main job in skincare products is to moisturise the skin.

There is also research showing that panthenol can help our skin to produce more  lipids that are important for a strong and healthy skin barrier.

  • Lupin Seed Extract for Collagen Production

An active ingredient is said to have the ability to increase the synthesis of type I collagen and promote production of high-quality collagen to give skin firmness and elasticity.

  • Titanium Dioxide

Used as a thickening, opacifying, pigment, and sunscreen ingredient

  • Protects against both UVA and UVB rays
  • Gentle enough even for sensitive, redness-prone skin
  • safe as used in cosmetics products

How to use:

Apply a thin layer of ME Cream on skin at evening for whitening.